Brain Power with Golden Valley Flax
Flax is shown to be a great food to boost the health of your brain. Cognitive Fitness is the focus of a Harvard Medical School Study that outlines twelve steps to improve your mind. Golden Valley Flax is a part of five of those twelve steps.
Labor Day Fun With Flax and Family
Family Fun Time As Flax Helps with Mental Health We wanted to share some good news with you from the heart and from great medical studies. It’s easy to say Happy Labor Day…or Happy Birthday…or have a good day. However, sometimes having a “good day” just isn’t that easy. Sometimes we call this “the blues”, ... Read more
Golden Valley Flax fights against inflammatory diseases
Golden Valley Flax can help fight against many diseases. Recent Harvard Medical study shows that flax fights inflammatory diseases.
Flaxseed can benefit your health for 10 cents a day
Study shows why flax fights obesity and improves metabolism. Golden Valley Flax can help improve your health and it tastes great.
Football Players and Flax Go Pink | Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Football is just a game but it is being used to fight breast cancer. That is the real battle, not just a game. Fighting cancer is a fight for life itself. Read this medical study to see how flax can save your life.
A Study on the effects of Flax Seed Oil and Flax Seed Meal on Colon Tumors
We were thankful to have an opportunity to work with Dr. Maratha Verghese of Alabama A&M University in a study about how flax can help fight against colon cancer. Our family lost a loved one to colon cancer and to have a chance to donate our Golden Valley Flax to research in the fight against ... Read more
Flax is good for your heart!
Did you know that your heart cells generate electric currents? You are a regular hotbed of electricity! The electric currents, generated by your heart triggers it to beat regularly. Every day…every single day…your heart beats an average of 115,300 beats! That’s a lot of electricity! Sometimes the electrical signals become chaotic, this disables your hearts ability ... Read more
A Fast Flax Fact from Golden Valley Flax
Five Easy Ways to Add Ground Flaxseed to your Diet: Add ground flaxseed to your oatmeal or cereal. Mix ground flaxseed into your yogurt or cottage cheese. Mid-morning snack attack? Snack on a flax- granola bar or muffin. Sprinkle ground flax on your fruit or vegetable salad. Add Omega-3’s, fiber and cancer fighting lignans to your ... Read more