The information provided in this web site was compiled by Mark and Esther Hylden. Mark is a fourth generation North Dakota Farmer, Esther is a Registered Nurse. We are members of the Flax Institute of the United States. Our goal is to provide you with accurate and factual information about the benefits of consuming flax. The resourses that we used are provided below.
We sincerely thank the Flax Council of Canada, the Flax Institute of the United States and Ameriflax for their gracious help in this project. In addition, we thank Paul Gronhovd, Susan Schuley, Mike Olson, Ryan Kohler and the North Valley Vocational Technical Center for their enthusiasm and invaluable help with construction of this web page.
Flax Council of Canada
Official site for Flax Council of Canada. The Flax Council of Canada is a national organization which promotes Canadian flax and flax products for nutritional and industrial uses in domestic and international markets.
Mandan, North Dakota
Representing United States flax growers and are funded through the North Dakota Oilseed Council—the state that produces over 90% of America’s flaxseed. Whether you’re a consumer, a chef, baker or producer, you’ll find everything you want to know about this tiny, omega-3-packed seed with newfound versatility and nutritional benefits.
American Diabetes Association
Organization dedicated to preventing and curing diabetes and improving the lives of all people affected by diabetes. Site has many recipes that include flaxseed.
Recommended Reading:
[box type=”note” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Thompson, L. U., & Cunnane, S. C. (2003). Flaxseed in human nutrition (No. Ed. 2). AOCS Press.
To order call 1-217-359-5401.[/box]
Reinhardt-Martin, RD, LD. Jane (2001). Flax Your Way To Better Health. Publishing Professionals, New Port Richey, FL.
Weil, Dr. Andrew (1997). Eating Well for Optimum Health: The Essential Guide to Bringing Health and Pleasure Back to Eating. Knopf.
Udall, Kate Gilbert (1997). Flaxseed Oil: The Premiere Source of Omega-Fatty Acids. Woodland Publishing, Pleasant Grove, UT.
George Weston Limited Sensory and Food Research Centre, Department of Foods and Nutrition at the University of Manitoba, The Flax Council of Canada, The Saskatchewan Flax Development Commission. Flax: Family Favorites, Recipes and “Healthful” Tips.
Magazines and Newspapers
Bailey, A. (2000, May 3). Planting the Seed: Research Shows Flax Offers Nutrition Benefits.Grand Forks Herald.
Barcum, J. (2002, February 26). Just the Flax: Ancient Grain Gains Respect as Nutrition Powerhouse.Star Tribune.
Berglund, D. R., & Zollinger, R. K. (2009). Flax production in North Dakota. NDSU Extension Service, Fargo, North Dakota.
Carter, J.F. (1993, October). Potential of Flaxseed and Flaxseed Oil in Baked Goods and Other Products in Human Nutrition. Cereal Foods World, 38(10).
Carter, J. (2002). Flaxseed as functional food for people and as feed for other animals. Department of Plant Sciences, North Dakota State University, 1-12.
Castro, Caitlin. The Little Seed That Stops Breast Cancer. Women’s World.
Haumann, B. F. (1998). Alternative sources for n-3 fatty acids. International news on fats, oils and related materials, 9(12), pp. 12-98.
Jaret, P. (1998, September). Small Wonder: Move Over, Apples. A Helping Of Flaxseed A Day May Keep Heart Disease and Cancer Away. Health.
McCord, H. (1997, April). TOP SEED With it’s Healing Powers, Flax is the Next Nutritional Star. Prevention Magazine.
Mowitz, D. and Schaefer, J. (2002, May). The Healthy Opportunity of Flax. Successful Farming.
SerVaas, C. and Perry, P. (1999, March/April). Fats for Mental Health. The Saturday Evening Post.
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