We have a passion for helping you improve your health with Golden Valley Flax from our family farm. For more than two decades we have been members of the United States Flax Institute. This is an organization that brings together medical science, land grant universities that research flax and other professions committed to good health. This forum is a rich source of information for your good health that we want you to know about.
We are also part of the group as farmers that produce flax. It is through the Flax Institute that we have learned much that we want to share with you for improving your health. It is also the means by which our Golden Valley Flax has been used in many published medical studies that focus on the health benefits of flax. At this time I would like to share one of those successful medical studies with you.
You can take advantage of this by making Golden Valley Flax a part of your diet for as little as a dime a day. Just click on https://www.goldenvalleyflax.com/flaxseed-products/natural-golden-valley-omega-whole-flax/

Summary of Study shows flaxseed can benefit your health
A recent study was reported on in the Natural News that highlighted a work completed by Danish and Swedish medical researchers. The headline of the story was Flaxseeds improve gut health and metabolic health, increase production of beneficial fatty acids. This is great news for you as the implications of this study means that by eating flax you can improve your metabolic health and reduce the risk of obesity. They have found a new and healthy reason for people to eat flaxseed.
What Esther and I have learned as we have visited with thousands of people about the health benefits of flax is that it is very important to like what you eat. Many have commented on the quality and taste of our Golden Valley Flax. In the words of our customers “Golden Valley Flax is the highest quality best tasting flax ever.”
We have explained why we have the top award for the best flax in the State of North Dakota (ND produces 97% of the nation’s flax) for three generations. It is because of where our flax is grown that it tastes better than flax grown where it is too dry or too hot. That flax will have more of a bitter flavor while our award winning flax is pleasant to your taste.
Please go online to www.goldenvalleyflax.com to order your flax today and take advantage of the health benefits presented in this study.
To read the entire summary of the study you can go the following links:
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Mark and Esther Hylden
Golden Valley Flax