Esther is well known and trusted as the Flax Lady
Hi, this is Esther Hylden, otherwise known as the “Flaxlady.” My husband, Mark and I own and operate our family farm business, Golden Valley Flax. Sometimes I wonder how a town girl, who didn’t know the difference between a John Deere or International combine ended up as an agriculture producer and promoter!
After many years farming traditionally, our farm faced two challenges, we needed to provide a greater income for our family, and Mark needed to lower his cholesterol. So the thought was to put our heads together and come up with a solution – Flax! It is medically proven that taking Flax everyday could help to lower cholesterol, and we decided to combine that knowledge with our farming abilities and raise, package, and sell Flax right from our family farm! Our farm had won the award for the best flax in the State of North Dakota so we were off to a great start having the quality and taste that no other farm could match.

Esther Hylden honored by many organizations for her work with flax
One thing led to another, and soon I found myself being honored as Country Woman of the year by the Minnesota-North Dakota Agri-Women, runner up as Farm Woman of the year by the Farmer’s Forum, cover picture for a national magazine know as Country Woman, a Reiman Publication, regional TV broadcast of cooking shows with Lynn Nicols ( can be viewed of our website at https://www.goldenvalleyflax.com/flax-recipes/ plus being the guest flax cook at the Go Red for Women promotion and honored by having my picture hanging in the Ag Woman Hall of Fame at North Dakota State University! All this happened to a little town girl, who didn’t know a combine from a grain cart!
How did this happen? I think it is because when faced with a challenge…our family searched for a solution. We didn’t give up but kept on going. Sometimes the going was just a step at a time, and sometimes it was a sprint…and sometimes it even was taking a few steps backwards. How about you? Are you at an impasse in your life? Possibly facing a challenge that seems to overwhelm you? Take a deep breath, keep your eye on your goal, and just take that first step, then the next…
As you start your journey down life’s path…gird yourself with a good night’s sleep, exercise, and a healthy diet…including Flax Seed… the original Superfood, high in Omega-3”, Fiber and Lignans! Tomorrow is going to be a good day.
To your good health,
Esther Hylden aka the Flaxlady
PS Here is one of my favorite Flax Recipes- Protein Balls! You may purchase your very own bag of our Golden Valley Flax…fresh from our farm to your home… at https://www.goldenvalleyflax.com/

Flax Protein Balls
Golden Valley Flax recipe by Esther Hylden, the flaxlady
These small bits of energy are delicious, and good for you!
½ cup creamy peanut butter
¾ cup nonfat milk powder
½ cup ground flaxseed
½ cup honey
½ cup crushed cereal, such as Honey Bunches of Oats
One or two of the following:
1/3 cup raisins
1/3 cup Craisins
1/3 cup sunflower nuts
1/3 cup chocolate chips
1/3 cup walnuts
- Combine peanut butter, milk powder, flaxseed, honey in a bowl and mix will. Stir in sunflower nuts and Craisins…etc.
- Roll mixture in small balls, and then roll balls in crushed cereal. Place on waxed paper.
- Chill in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour before serving.
Prep time: 15 minutes Yield: 16 balls. Enjoy!