We recently completed the Holiday Showcase events sponsored by the North Dakota Department of Agriculture promoting good health with Golden Valley Flax. It is time to eat flax and fight against colds and the flu because flax will strengthen your immune system. https://www.prideofdakota.nd.gov/companies/profile/goldenvalleyflax/
It was a joy visiting with so many nice people and being able to promote the health benefits of our award winning flax was also fantastic. We are the farm family that produces, cleans and bags the flax in a new building that is registered with the Food and Drug Administration as a certified food facility. https://www.fda.gov/media/85098/download Presenting the health benefits of our flax and knowing that our family farm has the award for the best flax in the State of North Dakota has been an honor. Our Golden Valley Flax has been used in multiple scientific medical studies published in JAMA and the findings of those reports have been great for improving a person’s health. Now we are heading into the season for colds and the flu and we want you to know about flax and how it strengthens your immune system. This link will help you understand how flax improves your immune system and be a motivation as you learn that flax fights against colds and the flu so you can enjoy winter. https://www.goldenvalleyflax.com/flax-facts/health-research-articles/flaxseed-benefits-immune-system/
Harvard Medical School Guide to Fighting Colds and the Flu

Harvard Doctors Reveal how flax is a natural way to protect yourself.
Eating flax is one of the best steps to keep colds and the flu away.
This year, end the fights with colds and flu! Flax is a natural super food, also classified as a functional food in that the proven health benefits go way beyond the information printed on the nutrition label. Medical research has only designated a handful of foods in this category and flax is one of the best as it strengthens your immune system.
No one tries to “catch” a cold. Colds and flu catch us. This Harvard Medical School Guide will make you hard to catch! You’ll learn how to bolster your defenses… keep trouble-causing viruses at bay…boost your immune system… and relieve symptoms all of which can be available to you by adding flax to your daily diet.
…six ways to stop flu from getting to you. You don’t want to fool with the flu. Each year more than 200,000 Americans are hospitalized because of it. What else can you do to prevent the flu? The guide will tell you. One of the six best ways is flax because it will help you with a stronger immune system. For myself I will share with you a personal anecdotal story about the battle I had with sinus infections. Twenty years ago when I started to eat flax to help lower my bad cholesterol I also would contract sinus infections a couple of times each year. Since the addition of Golden Valley Flax to my daily routine my cholesterol has improved and I have not had a sinus infection in all those years because of an improved immune system.
Esther’s favorite winter time flax recipe
How to fight against colds and the flu and have fun doing it

Julie’s Breakfast Smoothie
Yield: 3 cups
Our friend Julie has been concocting her own smoothies back in Pennsylvania. Here is one that she recommends, just place the ingredients in a blender and mix it up as follows:
1 ¼ cups skim milk
1 frozen banana, sliced
1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
½ cup yogurt (use your favorite flavor)
2 tablespoons ground Golden Valley Flax
Nutrition Information
Calories 399 Fat 10 g Fiber 11g
Carbohydrates 59 g Omega-3 Fats 3969 mg Calcium 668 mg
Protein 22 g Cholesterol 14 mg Sodium 254 mg
This recipe and hundreds more are available in The Amazing Flax Cookbook which can be found at https://www.goldenvalleyflax.com/

We appreciate the opportunity to bring you this good news about our flax. It was fun to promote the health benefits of our flax to tens of thousands at the ND Dept of Ag Holiday Showcase events. We wanted to take this time to reach out to people beyond our state. One of our customers just said, “You impress me how your family runs such a beautiful business & understands customers. I Really appreciate that.” and another new customer said, “My flax order arrived today. Thank you so much for the extra bag! You are very generous. I look forward to using your flax and staying in touch. Yes we include an extra free bag with the order of first time customers because we want them to be healthy and come back to our farm for more. Just go to our farm’s website and order your Golden Valley Flax today, fresh from our farm to your home. https://www.goldenvalleyflax.com/ Please like us on Facebook and share this with your family and friends as we want to improve the health of our great nation.
Thank you,
Mark and Esther Hylden
Golden Valley Flax